TAE Gallery: artwork, photography, poetry, songs, and book arts

Becoming a Full Moon

It is good to watch the moon rising
In the morning,
In the evening
Sky, lit serendipitously, surprising
A full moon.

A sliver of the moon begins to grow
By (our) day,
By (our) night
For time beyond what we know,
A full moon.

I have watched the moon as though it were a friend,
Moments indulged,
Moments secret,
Companionship that could never end
A full moon.

Above horizon's line the moon has lifted as
Light and shadow,
Light and drama,
Forever rotating has drifted as
A full moon.

A heart grown cold, a dead stone
Passing through,
Passing into
Space rocks that crater and hone
A full moon,

Though in my lifetime I have yet to see
A lunar impact,
A lunar chaos
That in its face I know to be
A full moon.

Yet in the end I wish no harm upon this friend
Reflecting light,
Reflecting thought
In furtive shadows that playfully blend
A full moon.



© 2004 Thomas A. Ekkens

This poem appears in Carry the Light: Stories, Poems and Essays from the San Mateo County Fair.